At last, some days of sunshine and temperatures creeping as daringly high as 10º C! It seems to have been the longest winter ever, but here we are today with actual blue skies, for crying out loud (nou toe nou!) ...
These pink blossoms have popped out on the scrawny tree outside my front door, and such was the bucolic scene at the farm down the road today ...

Yes, the trees are still bare and leafless, but lets focus on the daffodils and the spot of sunshine ...
Awake, thou wintry earth -
Fling off thy sadness!
Fair vernal flowers, laugh forth
Your ancient gladness!
Yes, quite, Thomas Blackburn, but I'm having panicked thoughts: do I even have any summer clothes? Where are they, and will I still fit into them if I can find them, after seven months of red wines, vegetative DVD-watching and comfort eating?
Calm down, it's not like we're out of the winter coats and boots yet. Venturing into the garden (above) for five minutes has been quite enough excitement for one day ...