Arrived in Malaga this week and drove into deepest Andalucian countryside.
Spain is dry, brown and relentlessly hot - temps hovering around 41 degrees C.
Stunned by the heat, pale and flaccid after 3 years in the drizzly land of the Poms, we have only so far managed (other than our local supermercado) a trip to our nearest town, Ronda.
Plaza de Toros ...
Little-used now, I'm glad to say - essentially a museum.
And a place where a girl can ride a horse with a hot (ha ha) caballero ...
Ronda, central site of the Spanish Civil War, is where Hemingway supposedly hung out, and the setting for 'For Whom the Bell Tolls'.
Oleander (I think) - the signature flower of southern Europe, grows like colourful weeds wherever you look ...
Wait - a smiling Buddhist monk is part of this picture?
Must be hallucinating. Time for rehydration with a cold cerveza ...