Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Le chien Provençal

Le chien Provençal is a veteran frequenter of sidewalk cafés ... accustomed to eyeing the action from underneath the tables with eager interest, or perhaps a look of disdainful boredom ...

He understands that the village fountain is a good place to cool down on a hot summer's day, or have a drink, but never pee  ...

Le chien provencal is a seasoned brocanteur, and knows how useful he can be  for sniffing out the bargains ...

 ... guarding the goods ...

... and even manning the stalls ...

If left at home, on the other hand, le chien Provençal will make himself useful by guarding the village house ...

... while le patron of the village shop can rest assured that le chien will oversee the threshold, looking suitably intimidating ...

(Quel adorable! How could you not love this face?)

And what can be said of le chat Provençal? ...

For heaven's sake, don't tap on the window - you'll wake him up!


  1. You are clever observer of the cafe scene, and of the role played by les chiens. I also loved the photo of the sleeping chat.


  2. An amusing post Karen - made me smile! Blogging seems to come so easily to you!

    Like your new look blog incidentally!

  3. Wonderful post but anything with a doggie wins my heart and the day for me.

  4. Dear Karen,
    This is just wonderful! Again - you are so good in catching 'moments' in real life.
    All the dogs, each one with its own individual character, brilliant!

    I do have to apologize for being so much behind with commenting. Just running out of time the last few weeks and was not able to read posts in a proper way. Hopefully I'll catch up during the next week. As you know, I always like your reportages.
    By the way - I featured your blog in my today's post. Whenever you find a minute or two to spare, have a look. And I do hope that you like it.

    Heartily greetings,

  5. I love your funny posts , your photos are charming


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